The inception of NSG
NSG was invented post India’s nuclear technology demonstration test of
If India is given the membership of NSG,that too without it
signing NPT, then its whole objective and fundamentals will be diluted.
Effect of being its member
nuclear tech and fuel needs,
export its own nuclear tech,
But, some say the membership is only symbolic in nature as India already
secured a NSG waiver in 2008 which serves the aforesaid interests
India has failed to secure a permanent UNSC seat and admission to APEC
Opposition from China and others. Infact only 32/48 members of NSG
support India’s membership
Unrealistic expectations as membership can only be achieved when all 48
Optimism about the deal among some diplomats
In 2008, India secured a NSG waiver
need to adhere to subtle diplomacy to achieve goals wrt NSG
Why India should get NSG membership?
Unblemished non proliferation record
inclination to non discriminatory
Indian export regulations already comply
MTCR membership secured
voluntary moratorium on nuclear testing
no first use policy
genuine energy needs
China’s own
behaviour with regard to international obligations
Has improved
its nuclear arsenal after joining NPT and NSG, issue wrt North Korea and
Limitations of
Cant curtail
members nuclear weapons program.
At best, the
NSG can try and become more effective in preventing further horizontal
proliferation among the NPT non-nuclear armed states.
Simple and concise. Thank you.